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Reviewer: Dido_Jolasun16 Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 13, 2016 10:40 pm Title: Chapter 4: SOMEBODY ELSE'S GUY: Brian

If Brian forces himself on Justin, ignoring his refusal, then that is rape. Portraying it as a romantic/sexual affair is troubling, to say the least.

Author's Response:

In case it wasn't clear...or you just aren't reading the scenes as intended, they are in the midst of an argument. I can't see that you are familiar with my work at all, if you think I wouldn't know or be able to distinguish between angry sex and rape. I find it troubling that of ALL the story, history AND plot given that you choose to negate an entire scene to nitpick and criticize (wrongly I might add) upon an innuendo which you have chosen to take, read and see completely out of context. Perhaps, before this gets out of hand, you should either keep an open mind or not read any more of my work because I choose to have character which act, think and feel like humans. They're gritty, dark at times and make decisions that are sometimes based on pure emotion and seldomly well thought out. Life is not all pretty prose and clean cut situations; it's not all rainbows and romance; neither is my work. So if that is what you are looking for, I don't mind telling you that it won't be found here. There are several excellent writers who indulge a reader's fancy and whimical musings or bow to the wishes of a single audience member as opposed to staying true to their craft and storyline. I'm certainly not one of them. I wish you continued pleasure on your reading journey.

Thanks for reading,


Reviewer: 7Wildwaysup Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 04, 2016 6:13 pm Title: Chapter 4: SOMEBODY ELSE'S GUY: Brian

Yes! Now I need more...

Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 9:04 pm Title: Chapter 4: SOMEBODY ELSE'S GUY: Brian

Ah, that feels so much better. LOL! TAG

Author's Response:

LOL! And so begins the seven-year itch...Well maybe? It might be longer!

More Soon!

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 2:29 pm Title: Chapter 4: SOMEBODY ELSE'S GUY: Brian

Did he have to be so rough.  Of course he did, he's Brian Kinney.  But what will the reprocuptions be.  He's marked Justin.  Will Justin still refuse to take the money?  What will Brian end up doing about Mikey and Linz?

Author's Response:

Hey Phyllis!! LOL@ 'rough.' Yeah, even though Justin may have forgotten how to read Brian, Brian still remembers everything about Justin. 

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 1:20 pm Title: Chapter 4: SOMEBODY ELSE'S GUY: Brian

"I fucking hate him right now but I love what he does to me" Perfect! God that was so hot! Again again, do it again! lol

Justin cried....oh God! 

Author's Response:


Trust me when I tell you, these two will be doing a whole lot of THAT again!! Brian is in this place where he may not be completely honest with others but he definitely is with himself. 

Happy Reading and HUGS,



Reviewer: Stacy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 9:55 am Title: Chapter 4: SOMEBODY ELSE'S GUY: Brian

PS. I really enjoyed your Time Volumes 1 and 2. Will you be posting more on 2?

Author's Response:

Thanks for the comment Stacy. I'll try to address a few things without giving away too much. I ask that you bear with me and remember that this is 'Alternate Canon,' and 'Alternate Universe' and a splash of 'Canon.' That said, it won't follow canon-based guidelines to the letter but hopefully will be engaging enough that you could see all of this happening.

The reason Justin said, 'The hardest part of loving someone is letting them go and be happy,' is because he also realizes that with one look, one touch and one word, he and Brian could have gone on living the way they were....Sex and Silence. So his turning and leaving was admitting that he was tired and couldn't fight the situtation anymore. He knew that he got pushed off Mt. Kinney and just didn't have the strength anymore to climb back up just then. Plus consider all of Michael's 'That's not Brian' speeches and it will explain just what Justin felt in those final moments of my version of the 'Rage' party.

You're right that Brian wouldn't intentionally hurt Justin but he will ALWAYS do what he thinks is best for Justin. Hence the reason for the Mt. Kinney push toward 'Ian.' He actually did 'ask' Lindsay and Melanie if they had seen Justin (that part is in the show) so that when Justin went to look for him, he would find Brian doing what Brian does which at the time Justin wasn't happy with the tricking. Brian wasn't aware of all that was said from Justin's point-of-view to Michael. He was ONLY given the bit about Justin cheating and not WHY which was most important. But again, remember this story jumps in and out of canon events so this is partially the way I saw things and chose to address. I actually think things may have been better if let's say Michael saw it but also someone else like Ben or Emmett, Vic or Deb- someone without something to gain from the breakup and have only the best interests of Brian and Justin at the forefront- had seen it too. Perhaps then things wouldn't have seemed so harsh and cold in the end. I'll be addressing this again in the SOWK series which is also Alternate Canon.

As for your question about Vol. II, I am definitely continuing but it's taking awhile. The last chapter in and of itself is very involved and will be just about novel length. The same is happening with Mr. and Mr. Taylor-Kinney. There is a lot of loose ends to tie up in Volume II so hold on to your seat with that one!

Thanks again for reading and reviewing this story!! I'll update this and all my other WIPs again very soon. These characters are always cooking up chaos and I have to go with their leading to make sure their 'stories' get told the way 'they' want. It takes time but I hope that it is all well worth the wait!

Happy Reading and HUGS,




Reviewer: Stacy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 9:40 am Title: Chapter 4: SOMEBODY ELSE'S GUY: Brian

I read a few chapters and I really like this story. I had to reread the first chapter, it's full of emotion. I understand that Brian didn't give Justin what he needed which was validation of the importance in Brian's life. They both of course had a major problem with communication. If Brian had given him that then Ethan probably wouldn't of happened. But Justin was also at fault. I didn't get about Justin saying that that the hardest part is freeing him and making him Happy? How did he think Brian wasn't happy. Justin is the one that cheated. He and Brian had only to talk to each other. Such a simple thing to avoid all of what happen. But of course that would be to easy. At least Brian knows that it was his fault to. That they could of avoided all this crap. That Justin said in the other chapter why Brian just didn't tell him that he wanted him to stay when he told him it was his choice to make, back at the loft. That 8s so true!

In the show Brian told Justin at Babylon when they made the rules  that the bat was the reason that he asked him to move in but that wasn't why he wanted him to stay, and Brian told Jennifer after the bat that he cares about Justin so why couldn't he tell Justin that he cares if he leaves, when Justin asked would you care if I wasn't here,when they were at the loft having that conversation. 

The other thing about the show, at the rage party when Brian told the girls to tell Justin I was looking for him. I never thought that Brian was setting him up so he could find him fucking Rage. That was Brian being Brian. I don't think that he was intentionally hurting Justin realizing that he would re:his bashing or trying to get him mad. There was no way that Brian could time when Justin would be talking to the girls and go to the back room to find him, Brian wasn't waiting for Justin to start fucking rage. He didn't send the girls looking for him. So I think that Brian was being his self and getting his needs met. Maybe Justin wasn't around when he looked for him and being that he was  drinking and  only thought of himself and not thinking about the bashing ect. He fucked rage. What do you think?

 Also the show When Brian took the mask off he showed hurt in his eyes and a slight smile he wore as to tell Justin that he cared. That was the moment that Brian knew that Justin has to make his choice then. Him letting Justin go was him not fighting for him or telling him if he's not happy that he can go. 

At least in your story Brian and Justin  knows what they should of done, and could of done so that wouldn't of happened. That they should of talked. And Justin knows that what's on the other side isn't always better, and what he had before with Brian was more. Brian knows the parts that his so called friends played. And that Brian andJustin knows they made a mistake. Justin is unhappy with Ethan and now that he wants to be away from him,time till himself ,I hope that he takes that as a realization that he should get rid of Him? To bad Vic and Jennifer doesn't help get these two back on track. Brian already admitted to him self that he made a mistake and that he wants Justin, that he is his so I hope he doesn't waste a lot of time. 

In chapter 4 where it says "And Justin never having the fucking balls to correct my knowledge, about him giving up on me, us,yes I can admit that there was an us, only to my  self, and he should of known" Does that mean that Brian feels that Justin should of told Brian that he wasn't giving up on them and that Brian thinks that he should of known that he cares and are in a relationship with out having Brian to  say it?

I loved that line "Maybe I can exorcise the demon of constant want and climb out the pit of  loneliness our fucking stupidity and silence threw us into. Fuck!" It sums it all up that they made stupid choices. Sorry for the rant, but I had things that should of been addressed in the show that I think that you might in the story. Lol I couldn't sleep and couldn't put your story down. Waiting for more.



Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 6:44 am Title: Chapter 4: SOMEBODY ELSE'S GUY: Brian

Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!! Burning HOT!!!!!

Brian needed to make a statement the only way he knew with Justin. It was as the first time, but with the desperation behind and the knowledge of their bodies, needs.

I love how Brian doesn't want to crash Justin's trust and wants to mark his body and his soul.

I hope he succeeded and that things will move forward quickly.

I was so happy to see a new chapter after leaving a comment on the previous one. Thank you for the quick update.

Author's Response:

Hey again Claire! Brian definitely needed to make THAT particular statement! They will each have some heavy decisions to make when it's all over.

Happy Reading and HUGS,


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