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Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2017 10:16 am Title: Chapter 36

You have some hilarious quotes in there; my favorite is from Deb: "No you won’t.  We actually want them walked in the fresh air not you two go to the loft put them on the treadmill and go fuck."

Reviewer: susi_in_love Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 20, 2017 9:49 pm Title: Chapter 36

Oh yeah, that house in Toronto. What's up with that. Did she take the wine on purpose?

Reviewer: Lorie Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 08, 2016 3:41 am Title: Chapter 36

The part about bitch, weasel, double headed dildo and replay face; that was inspired and absolutely hysterical. Another wonderful chapter.


Author's Response:

Thanks, I did enjoy writing that!  

- Nicole

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 05, 2016 5:36 am Title: Chapter 36

Oh my, I'd forgotten the weekend in NYC.  That should be fun.  Did Lindsay and Mikey ever come up with their share?  Michael thought he was apologising?  Him and Lindsay going out now that's just plain weird.  Ted in this chapter rocked it.  With his decription of Mikey and Lindsay with a double headed dildo to his thinking Lindsay was the wrong woman for Mel.  I'm so glad that Mel won her court case.  I'm wondering who is going to live in Squirrel Hill?  What makes Lindsay think Mikey's being let back into the fold?  Meeting up with Todd was interesting.  It's nice that the others took up for Todd and declined to serve drinks to the troublesome twosome.  Who stole wine that was marked wedding wine do not drink!  Hunter gets to host another art showing, shame Lindsay can't attend.  NOT!

Author's Response:

Oh they think they have their share...

Hope you like the Squirrel Hill answer

Happy reading


Reviewer: blossomlegs Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 30, 2016 8:56 pm Title: Chapter 36

Fantastic update! Linz just keeps digging and digging herself in a deeper grave, along with Mikey.

Love it, thanks for sharing!


Author's Response:

Indeed they do, who'd have thought that they love mud and worms so much.

Happy reading


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 30, 2016 7:34 pm Title: Chapter 36

I was pretty surprised that Michael went and apologized. Love how they made him sweat it out though, then shut the door in his face. I could totally picture him wanting to, but not crossing his arms. The fact they kept Deb in the loop of it was funny as well. The fact that he's continuing to try with Hunter is pissing me off! ARG!! He's such a complete user. Cares about nobody but himself. His own daughter isn't even a high priority compared to his own wants and needs. I guess since she challenges him on so much now she's dropped in importance.

"Lindsey and Michael are fucking using a double headed dildo". I dearly died laughing reading that!! OMFG!! So frigging funny and Brian's reaction was spot on! I think anyone reading that had a complete look of horror on their faces and the concept! i know I did. Ted was brilliant in that scene. "Replay face" hehehe. 

Love Jenny. Absolutely nothing gets by that girl. Sharp as a whip she is, especially for one so young. She doesn it on such a seemingly innocent way too. Neither Michael nor Lindsey ever seem to catch on that she's toally manipulating them, and the circumstances. hehehe. (Hank better stay on his toes....he's not going to be able to get away with ANYTHING!! lol) She remembered to lock up Mel's clothes just as Linsey was about to hit that. HA! foiled again. hehe.

the shadyside living arrangments are going to be interesting down the road. Again, something else to look forward to. As for Squirrel Hill...who does she have in mind for that? Leda? HAHA! That would be all kinds of brilliant!

I think that whether or not Lindsey new that they were the wedding wines or not, she wouldn't have cared. she's completely oblicious to anything that doesn't revolve around her or her wants. typical selfish and self entitled behaviour. She seemed apologetic, yet I tend to doubt her sincerity, especially seeing as it involves Zee.

Sooooooo...Lindsey is going to Toronto is she? Hmmm. curiouser and curiouser.  Will we have more details about her house there by then? Very interested about that situation. So many of us are guessing...How long before everyone finds out about her suspention? Will they know before the toronto trip? I'm just so excited to find out what's happening, yet at the same time I love that you're prolonging everything. Parts of me doens't want this to end.

anticipating the next chapter!!



Author's Response:

Michael is lazy and spoilt, Debs has acknowledged that and needs to make good to get his own way, doesn't mean it as the arms twitching to be crossed showed and of course there's the little matter of Sarah's dad and stepdad who are non too pleased with him

Notice Lindsay always apologises to Faal first and tacks Zee on the end.  

Jenny is rapier sharp, she's a Marcus after all, and not for nothing is anybody hurting who she loves.  There is more schmoopiness for her and Hank pre-wedding, he has a little sister in Pittsburgh to visit right...

Toronto explanation and cliffy is coming up...

Happy reading


Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 30, 2016 3:02 pm Title: Chapter 36

where was the quote from the outtake... I couldn't find the * so I could reread it

Author's Response:

In the info section end chapter notes, is the explanation for where it comes from


Author's Response:

In the info section end chapter notes, is the explanation for where it comes from


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 30, 2016 5:53 am Title: Chapter 36

I want to remove Lindsay's stinger and ram it down her throat how dare she touch their Wedding Wines!

That Disrespectful, Conniving One Penny Heifer if I was Zee I would be grabbing that blonde hair and slinging her across the room then I would snap her freaking spine!!

What part of Priceless and Specifically Label did that whore not understand?

That goes on the list of grievances that will be beaten out of their Asses!!!

Zee is letting you stay in her home out of the goodness of her heart (Which Lindsay Doesn't Have and I Doubt She Ever Did!) and you are trying to let Michael stay over? 

You love Michael so much stay at his place then!

Them going out trolling was cringe worthy I wonder who it was that thinks Michael is interesting? (I was hoping his collectibles got stolen lol)

So Lindsay is going to Toronto while Hunter is having another great achievement who is the jackass she is meeting and does Uncle Luc know yet?

Justin putting the scumbag in his place about trying to feel up Brian was Great, I like Justin protecting his fiancee and Jenny remembering to lock up the wardrobe before the Two-Ton Whore could get down there was hilarious!

Can't Wait For The Next Chapter :)


Author's Response:

Oh you are so going to love the next Chapter when Michael finds out his kissing tempting as it was to have his collectibles stolen this was a bit better.

She is indeed, he does indeed and that will come out as well as another piece putting-nose-out-of-joint news.

Jenny and Justin are on full protect mode for who they love...and woebetide anyone that gets in their way.

Happy reading


Reviewer: kellydeer Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 30, 2016 3:20 am Title: Chapter 36

Best chapter title EVAH!!! I loathed Lindsay's character too and love seeing her WASPY ass get her comeupance almost more than I love seeing Mikey's whiney ass get his!

In response to what you replied from my earlier post, I loathed Lindsay from the first episode as well...almost from the first scene. All that Peter & Wendy shit just made me want to hurl. She SO wanted in his pants. And she had just given birth!!! What a HO!

I always liked Melanie & thought she and Brian had a mutal respect for one another so I really like anti-Lindsay stories with a likeable Melanie.

I am sooooo in love with this story & the fact that you update daily!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks Kelly.

There's more getting for the gruesome twosome to come...heeheehee.

Yeah she makes me blench but not as much as Michael who consistently lied and puppy-dog-eyed his way through the series, ugh and shudder.  And that custody battle...seethe!  Especially when she went for 'martyrdom' in the hospital.  And another thing...on a roll now...with their wedding Brian wanted to stay and she shoves him on the airplane!  Off to type some more anti-Lindsay and Michael!

Happy reading


Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 30, 2016 2:09 am Title: Chapter 36

We now join "Return of the Turds" already in progress...

Soooooo Lindz will basically be exiling herself during Hunter and Luc's showing to basically save face from being suspended. Hmmm somehow I don't think it will work out quite like she's planning or if it does, I suppose we'll finally know who transfered the deed to Her Whorishness!! *evil grinning and rubbing hands* I truly cannot wait!!

Soooo Todd is married while Michael little egotistical ass isn't any longer. Good for Todd!!! And to find out that he's been in another country whilst Michael was (and still is) making a complete ASS of himself was just the icing on the cake. Somehow I wish he would have made fun of Verne's name while the man was in earshot. I got a vision from the 'BEND HIM' scene from "Men in Black II" that would have been perfect in that scenario, LMAO! In any event, it was good to see Michael and Lindz suffer for his inability to keep his stinking snarky-for-no-good-reason mouth shut. 

As for the 'Wedding Wine' scene, Lindz REALLY needs her ass WHUPPED!! This just goes to prove how disrespectfu, jealous and entitled she is. I can't wait for what she did and does from this point forward to come to the light. I know that Brian is biding his time but she constantly hurts all of them with her thoughtlessness and then expects to be forgiven. I personally want to kick her in the throat for every denigrating word she utters and self-centered action she does. Every time she says 'Don't be Ridiculous' I want to make swiss cheese out of her voicebox and scalp the bitch bald. And then to have Ted- Tolerating Ted, as I like to call him- NOT like the heifer.... now THAT is saying a whole lot since he put up with loads of crap from Michael over the years! 

Looking forward to MORE!! 

WRITE On Nicole!


Author's Response:


The deed over the deed will come to light very soon, I promise.

Yeah dear Todd, it was only a brief visit to show Michael how people have moved on and grown up.  Will have to find the bend him scene in MIBII to see what you are talking about, have to admit that MIB scared the bejeebers out of me, wimpish I know!

The wine selfishness comes back to bite them big time...hope you enjoyed it...and I got the sense that Ted was always more Mel's friend than Lindz and Michael's snark blows up big time when he calls Blake CT...

Off to write more.



Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 30, 2016 1:23 am Title: Chapter 36

Another fantastic chapter!


i really can't even stand any bits of Michael and Lindsay. 

Have michael and Lindsay figured out they aren't going to New York yet?

Author's Response:

Thank you lovely!

Of course not...but she thinks she's going...twice!

Happy reading

Nicole...MissMerlot xx

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