Reviews For Cracked
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Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 27, 2018 4:31 pm Title: The Meetings

OMG!!!  AGAIN... Your devious mind comes into play...   PLEASE don't let Justin get involved with Ethan. I hated him in canon, and the way in which you described him in this chapter... well, I DON"T want Justin in that situation. Hopefully, Brian intercepts Justin before Ethan has a chance to strike.   Brian needs to find out what Michael has been avoiding talking about, and about the sketches, and also the truth about Kip. 


Author's Response:

All those things you mention will be showing up soon, outside of the truth about Kip.  I'm not so sure that will come out during my story, but the one thing I can promise is that Ethan will not play any part in messing up the chances of Brian and Justin finding their way back to each other again.   Hugs, Grammy

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 20, 2018 12:35 am Title: The Meetings

No, not Ethan. I have a bad feeling he’ll screw things up even worse... TAG

Author's Response:

Oh yes, he will try to be a thorn in their side.  Will he succeed?  Only time will tell.  Hugs, Grammy

Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2018 6:09 pm Title: The Meetings

Wow, great story.  I have to say I was reluctant to start reading it as I have now decided due to so many unfinished stories (I have 52 WIPS on KD) that I will wait for completion of new stories, but since I absolutely LOVE your stories, I just know that you will not leave this story up in the air as so many seem to be doing.  There have been a few posts about getting new readers, etc. and frankly I told them that knowing that stories are not completed is not a good way to get new people involved.  I fully understand that RL, illness, work, etc. get in the way, but a couple of my other favorite writers have said that they are having issues, but will continue when they can.  That is understandable, but to just write several chapters and then weeks and months go by with nothing is very frustrating to readers.  Sorry to complain, but sometimes you just need someone to "talk" to.  Everything is great so far EXCEPT for the inclusion of Ethan.  And, of course, no one expects Mikey to be nice. HaHa I do love that so many different writers never portray Michael as a nice guy. Most seem to downright hate him which is fine by me and a good storyline. Hope all is well with you.

Author's Response:

I am so happy to hear from you, Mamab.  Do not apologize for anything you say.  I fully understand your feelings about incomplete stories.  I feel the same way as a reader.  I confess that out of my 100 + stories, there are 3 that I did not complete in a timely manner.  This story was one of them, but after approximately a year, I was finally able to return to my writing and knew this story needed completing the most.  I will do everything in my power to not let a long delay happen again.  And I still plan to get back to the other two stories, but only after completing this one.  Thank you so much for trusting me with my story.  I hope you will be glad you did by the end of it.  

Sorry about including Ethan, but life has never gone smoothly for Brian and Justin and Ethan is simply another hurdle the couple will have to jump over to get back together.   I promise you that I'll let nothing, including Ethan, keep them apart forever.  That can't happen in any of my stories.  I'm a hopeless romantic.  

Poor Mikey.  I actually have never hated him, because I fully understand his motivation.  That said, I do hate some of the things he did.  He isn't really a villain in any of my stories, but he does make mistakes, just like he did in the series.  Of course, Debbie is always there to check him when he does.  LOL!

All is well with me after a rather bad year and I am super happy about that.  Thank you for asking.  I hope life is treating you kindly too.  Thank you again for your support and wonderful comments.  Warm hugs, Grammy



Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 03, 2018 4:51 pm Title: The Meetings

I don't understand how Brian couldn't be curious about what he had with Justin and not be ready to know the time of his injury, Justin was with him and Brian himself went to the prom for Justin. Justin was embedded throughout the year he lost. Glad he finally got with it though. Can't wait for the next chapter! I'm assuming that's going to be the one were our boys finally speak to each other?

Author's Response:

The reason that Brian isn't at all curious about Justin, in the beginning, is that the young man is a complete stranger to him for now.  And truly, Brian has never really cared about strangers at all, such as all the countless tricks he has had.  He only cares about those he knows best, but he is totally loyal to those select few.  Now, of course, he has been hearing so many things about Justin, that his curiosity is starting to be aroused, which was reinforced once he actually saw the young man in person at the courthouse.  He probably would have sought Justin out right after that if it hadn't been for Justin leaving immediately for Maine.  You are right about the next chapter.  The boys will finally meet, but of course, the road back to what they once were is not going to be a smooth one.  It never went smoothly for this couple, but it's how it ends that matters.  The next chapter will be up very shortly.  Thank you so much for such insightful and interesting comments, Glo.  I love hearing from you.  Warm hugs, Grammy

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Aug 03, 2018 3:42 pm Title: The Meetings

Looks like Mikey is still trying to keep Brian and Justin apart.  Glad to see that Brian is wanting to learn more about the Brian and Justin show.

Author's Response:

Poor old Mikey just can't help himself.  He's convinced he knows what's best for Brian, but of course, he is way off base.  Debbie will just have to keep that boy in check.  LOL!  Brian and Justin will finally spend time together in my next chapter, but of course it will still be a rocky road back to what they once were.  Nothing goes smoothly for this couple.  Thank you so much for your great comments, YumYum.  Huge hugs, Grammy

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