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Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 1:55 pm Title: Chapter 8

Ian is not Ethan.  He's smart and he got the read on Mel.  Why does David want to control Michael so much?  He's not really worth it.  Good to see that Emmett and Ted are back in touch with Gus, Brian and Justin.  Mel has caused her own problems as she's about to find out.

Reviewer: bksbracelet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 9:26 am Title: Chapter 8

Omg Mel is unbelievable and she doesn’t care how many people she hurts 

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 4:20 am Title: Chapter 8

LOVED this chapter! Strangely, I like the idea of Gus and Ian having charge over Jenny, even more than I like the idea of her being emancipated. She certainly needs to get the hell away from Mel! The fact that she was actually trying to use Gus to reinforce Jenny's thinking that she's disposable... well, there aren't many words that I can use to describe Mel and still keep my soul right! And then to basically preach 'conformity' to tjhe girl when all Mel's EVER done is try to stand out in her male-dominated career... Seriously someone needs to REVOKE her Career Dyke Feminism card ASAP! Just for that srong-armed attempt to violate Jenny's right to be an individual makes me glad she lost her job and is about to be disbarred in Canada. She's completely unethical!

Brian brought up a good point about Michael constantly living in the land of Make-Believe. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to know that Michael the Moocher is still alive and hell-on-wheels to deal with. No one can do doe-eyed innocence better than Michael could both on the show and in fanfic. It was interesting to read about how Deb stopped defending her baby, and began to look at the malicious little snot she birthed. It's too bad that it took her losing not only Ben, but Hunter in order for her to finally get a clue. I sooooo HOPE that someone will be able to answer the question of why Ben stopped coming around for Jenny, even if Ben doesn't appear at any point in the story. It will just drive the point home even more about how Michael plays puppet master while looking like he wouldn't hurt a fly. Bum-ass Bastard!

So glad that Ian mostly handled the situation with Melanie. I couldn't stop chuckiing and cheering all throughout that section. The way he kept putting her in her place, or silencing her altogether was so masterfully done! Not only that, but it wasn't hard to hear just how much she sounded like Michael, placing blame on everyone else but herself for her bad decisions. In dealing with her, and hearing excuse after excuse about why she was a bitch and an ineffective parent, I think it will give Ian a good idea of what to expect when he meets Michael, even though Evil Mickey Mouse will be much worse than dealing with Evilena. 

I'm glad that Brian and Justin have the 'punch' time out in the open, and actually traced the parallels between Michael's manipulations (ie. the punch from Brian, to the comic, to Gus spewing Michael's thought almost verbatim). By getting it all out there, they are constantly taking away any ammunition that the Malicious MM Bitch Brigade can use against them. It's going to be interesting to see what happens when the formal announcement of B&J's impending nuptials is made public. In Mel's case, it's one thing to know it's happening, but another thing to see it in black and white, spelled out on plain English so that there are no misconceptions. 

My-OH-MY the screeching to be heard! LOL



Reviewer: chadmom63 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 1:43 am Title: Chapter 1

Really love this story! I had a little problem in the first chapter figuring out what was going on, but now I’m hooked!

Reviewer: Maggiemay13 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2019 12:49 am Title: Chapter 8

I really love this story as I do all of your fics. I think I missed something though.....what did Michael send to Justin? I.e. “Did he send it before you started backing out of the comic? Brian asked.” What is the “it”? Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 25, 2019 9:20 pm Title: Chapter 7

It's tough trying to deal with everything.  I can't wait until they try to deal with Mel.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 25, 2019 5:24 pm Title: Chapter 7

Another amazing chapter all the way around. And like the others, I have to wonder just how much Mel is hiding. I understand about her father not doing well, but... well, just the sudden urgency to move as far away from Canada as her money could buy is definitely sending up all kinds of red flags. Perhaps there is something to Gus' statement about Mel's trouble with clients in the past. Maybe she messed around and pissed off the wrong one?

Anyway, I do like the way Gus both set Brian at ease, and then set Jenny straight. In terms of Jenny: I think the scene really established that Gus wasn't going to allow her to make him choose between the sister he's had all her life, and the DNA-linked brother he's just beginning to know. I believe that kind of hard limit is going to come in handy very shortly, especially when Mel makes her presence known.

I have a feeling that Ian isn't going to be as calm in dealing with Melanie as he had been in the past. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he goes all verbal caveman on her. I can't wait to find out if I'm right!



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 25, 2019 3:23 pm Title: Chapter 7

Dang you, Star! You HAVE to quit making me cry!

I loved this line: “If there was a club for how to stay miserable, she and my son would be founding members.” How very true!  Although, I think Michael's whole life was spent being miserable. Never really appreciating what he had. He might not have had all the worldly goods, but he had the true, unconditional love of a mother... a LOT of kids would give anything to have that.

I can hardly wait until Brian and Ian corner Mel... and tell her how it's going to be. And hopefully, Ted can get everything out of (Rita?) to let them know exactly what is going on with Mel. I wouldn't be surprised if she was let go at the firm she was working at. With her temper (and her 'I know best attitude') ... she probably had clients either leaving or complaining. I remember her being adamant about needing David's support money... unless she has gotten herself in some other type of trouble.

Yes, I hope Gus eventually gets his impossible too.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: The SNO Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 25, 2019 2:34 pm Title: Chapter 7

It's comforting to read how the family is starting to grow up again, only with the "obligation free" stamp. The dynamic is changing for the best and Jenny is getting included as well.

I can't wait for the next chapter which may be "bloody".

Reviewer: 7Wildwaysup Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 23, 2019 4:09 pm Title: Chapter 6

I started reading this, and I loved it so much I had to read it all the way through... Now I can't wait until the next update! Great job Star!!!

Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 23, 2019 2:25 pm Title: Chapter 6

So much goodness.  Gus is finally learning the truth about why Lindsay was gone.  Mel is learning that she is selfish and people are finally calling her out on it.  Jenny R. is learning she has a brother she didn't know about.  Patrick is taking things a lot better then most and finding new people who care for him. 

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 23, 2019 7:40 am Title: Chapter 6

Fabulous chapter! Gus' visit with Lindsay had be actually near bawling at my screen. My heart really went out to both of them, and yet I think somehow they each made progress in their own ways. I believe that Gus is right in that it was cathartic for him in a major way. I also liked that Lindsay asked him about his relationship with Ian, and when Gus mentioned how Ian's friends treated him, Lindsay made the connection to the bet everyone was placing on Brian and Justin's happiness. Lindsay's comments to Justin definitely provided a new perspective in revisiting that particular scene.

YAY!! Mel is getting her eyes pried opened about a lot of things about herself and her motivations. The backstory on her bulljive throughout the years was extremely enlightening. While I hate David and all he stands for in this fic, I can actually be happy that he's thwarted her visions of having him for an ally while quarantining the human plague that is Michael Novotny. That's a major coup for him... and a well-deserved kick in his ears and brain since he has to wake up to that incessant whine everyday. You just CANNOT un-hear that constant cross between Evil Mickey Mouse and Pee Wee Herman. That damn voice could peel paint and singe eyebrows!

As far as Mel trying to throw her 'weight' around, that skinny ass chick better take several seats, open up her ears, and inhale a large dose of STFU! I'm so glad that Gus shut her down first with that VERY blunt text message, and then Deb with a whole lot of hard truths for her selfish ass. I have to wonder though... with Gus being 21 (or is it 23? I have to look again), shouldn't Jenny be somewhere close to 18? Or if not, at least near 16? If it's a case of the latter- and I was in Jenny's shoes- I would already be looking for ways to emanicipate myself away from the loose cannon that is Melanie. I believe the core requirements that Jenny would need is a life-sustaining job- preferably one that would offer benefits, even at a part-time status (ie: the local cable company), a place to live, and be willing to continue her education. It might be worth looking into for Jenny's peace of mind, because I can only see her life with that trouble-seeking missile Melanie getting worse as she's once again prevented from getting her way.

A little more about Jenny: I do actually feel a little sorry for Jenny, mainly because in that little bastard's spite and ignorance, he's taken the ONE person in Jenny's life that would have loved her unconditionally. Michael couldn't take the fact that Ben had found a reward in a new main squeeze after enduring the sufferance of Michael, so he punishes his own daughter for him not being able to keep a man (David doesn't count; he's just a controlling toddler with MAN parts). In all honesty, I STILL feel that Ben should be in line for sainthood in the Great Beyond simply for his charitable works in dating Michael! But I digress.

Anyway, it's really sad that Mel is not thinking of Jenny's feelings at all; only the money she would be losing by doing what's best for her daughter. I wish that particular tidbit of information had come out when she was confronted by Deb. But I have to say, good for Patrick showing his maturity- and also biting back- when Jenny made the snide comments so reminscent of those her mother would have made. Regardless that he may look like Sam, he is definitely Brian and Justin's son!

Looking forward to MORE!!



Reviewer: Calliesky Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 23, 2019 1:50 am Title: Chapter 6

Another excellent chapter   💋

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2019 10:55 pm Title: Chapter 6

Boy, oh boy... Melanie Marcus is sure a piece of work! Can I say I got a huge smile on my face when she saw the big, beautiful house and realized Brian and Justin did indeed have a relationship... and Gus was more than likely a part of it? It's kind of fun to know all her manipulations and control issues might blow up in her face.

But how vicious that the reason she wants to move to Florida is to keep getting support money from David? David sounds like the devil incarnate. Controlling and manipulative. I have to wonder if the reason he wants Jenny so far away from Michael, is so that Michael can't get any information about Brian and now Justin. Is David maybe aware of their relationship? Has he had someone reporting to him about Brian? Yet, it sounds like Michael sold his soul and daughter for a place to live.

I feel very sorry for Ben. Maybe when Jenny turns eighteen, (which should be before long... right?) maybe she can learn the truth about Ben and have a relationship with him. But right now, Jenny is hurting. I'm so glad she has Debbie and Carl.

If Melanie thought she could scare Debbie Novotny away with a glare... she apparently has forgotten just who Debbie is.

Brown, not hazel... broke my heart. I tear up just writing it. Then you just knew her psyche couldn't deal with it any longer when she started talking about the GLC art show again. Poor, poor Gus.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: The SNO Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2019 9:51 pm Title: Chapter 6

Amazing chapter! Deb and Mel's scene is a piece of art; neither of them is letting the other win, even if Deb seems to have the upper hand. It's  also great that Mel found out that she was wrong to be happy that Justin got rid of Brian and that Brian has been miserable for 14 years! What a vicious woman; she is so much worse than Michael.

Gus and Lindsay's meeting is heartbreaking. I hope they will meet again and that she will get better in the end.

Jenny should be happy to have such grand-parents. It doesn't replace her parents, but it can help.

Reviewer: The SNO Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2019 7:27 pm Title: Chapter 3

Very dense and interesting chapter! Gus and Patrick did manage to spend some time together and they seem to understand each other.

It's hard to read how Lindsay is living in her lost world. Meeting Gus might trigger some reaction, hoping it will be forward.

Reviewer: marie-france Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2019 7:51 am Title: Chapter 5

I love Ian and how much he can help Gus to forgive himself and be with the people he loves.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2019 3:51 am Title: Chapter 3

Sounds like Mel is going to get the Karma she deserves.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2019 3:06 am Title: Chapter 5

Emmett is a joy to read about and he even gave his approval that Blake was back.  When do the kitties arrive in NY?

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2019 2:38 am Title: Chapter 4

Having Ted and Emmett know is a huge point.  Lindsay seems to be coming back from fairyland.  Can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2019 6:03 pm Title: Chapter 5

Hi again... I was just thinking about the conversation between Brian and Em in reference to David not wanting Jenny close by. Of course, David is just selfish enough to realize that Michael's attention would be refocused away from him and Hank. But I also think he's smart enough to realize that with Jenny's access to Deb's world outside of Michael, he wouldn't hesitate to use Jenny to gather information.

Beyond that though, the thing that stood out the most would be the fact that Mel potentially doesn't want to move back BECAUSE of David. So that made me wonder if there was some sort of agreement between Mel and David, possibly centered around Michael's support payments. I mean, if David is taking care of all of Michael's financial responsibilities, wouldn't that include Jenny's child support? And in turn for keeping the money flowing to her, could it be that Mel agreed to limit Michael's access to Jenny? A little extortion among Egomaniacs wouldn't surprise me in the least.


Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2019 5:46 pm Title: Chapter 5

I absolutely LOVED reading about Michael's issues. Karma has come back for him in a HUGE way, especially since he always loved the feeling of control over everyone else. It must absolutely suck for him to know what being beholden to someone else feels like. I don't feel not one bit sorry for the little ingrate! He tried to play with everyone's psyche about him returning to David, only he's the one who's paying the ultimate price for his headgames.

I really proud of Deb here, for so many reasons. The first is that she's letting Michael face the consequences of his own actions. It's funny that he is seeing just how selfish and controlling he is from the otherside, and that Deb is not doing ANYTHING to bully David into letting Michael go as she might have done in the past. It shows major character growth on her part. Secondly, I LOVE that she's not expecting Brian to clean up the mess with Jenny that Mel is making. Deb, in turn, told Jenny the entire truth as she knows it instead of trying to sugarcoat the misdeeds that began this mess in the first place. She didn't try to force her opinion of the situation on Jenny, but gave her the fact so she could draw her own conclusions. 

But what I was largely impressed with was that Deb didn't yell at Brian for keeping Lindsay's situation a secret from her. She didn't allow her inherent need to know everything get in the way of accepting Brian and Justin's reasoning in not telling her. Sure she would have wanted to help Lindsay, but Brian's right in that it would have broken Debbie's heart not to have been able to do so. 

I LOVE EMMETT!!! That's all I can say about him. His and Patrick's banter was so adorable, and Brian sounding like a father was hilarious. But what I really love is that Em will have the up close and personal chance to see Gus and Patrick build their own dynamic separately from the circumstances of how they met. And not only that, but as rare as it was on the show, I've always loved to see Em in protective mode. I'm sure with Melanie coming, he's going to have plenty use for that awesome verbal sword he has.

EXCELLENT chapter, StarBaby and looking forward to MORE!



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2019 1:29 pm Title: Chapter 5

I loved Emmett and his babies, what a nice reprieve. It was like sunshine after the dark clouds. It brought smiles.

I take it that David, Michael, and Hank live in Pittsburgh? And it's interesting that David owns Michael's shop. I have to wonder if it makes any money... and does David allow Michael to work in it?

It was nice to hear Deb's take on everything. And forewarned is forearmed... always a nice thing. And maybe there's hope for Jenny yet... especially with Deb's input.

I might be angry at her, but I don’t want her dead. Mel better have her armor intact, because, between Emmett and Patrick, the swords might come out.

And doggone you... you made me tear up again. But yay for Teddy and Blake. But, it's too early in the day for this!

Good job... Great story!

HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2019 12:15 pm Title: Chapter 4

The whole conversation between Brian, Ted, and Emmett had me in tears. I don't know if I should thank you or shake you! But, oh my, so long overdue.

Yes, Jenny... I'm telling you your father is a liar. Touche to David for that short leash! I actually hope Michael throws a conniption about Brian and Justin and David kicks him to the curb. Let Mel take care of him!

And pray tell, how was Brian cheating on Michael with Justin? They were NEVER a COUPLE! I can see Jenny has learned well at Mel and Michael's knee. It will be interesting to see what happens about Florida.

I so wanted to slap Mel for what she has done to Lindsay. The talk between Lindsay and Justin tore at my heart. What happened to Mel to make her so overbearing, and manipulative? This need to be controlling? That her word is law?

HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: loriblair Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2019 11:48 am Title: Chapter 5

please we need a chapter about the fall and current life of the whiny weasel!

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