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Fuck. Shit. DAMN!! Brian sat on the plane heading back to Pittsburgh International Airport, only the plane which was taxiing on the tarmac about to take off suddenly stopped. The restless energy which brought him to New York in the first place was back full-force. He tried to calm down but couldn't. The passenger sitting next to him felt the need to talk his ear off and he was trying his best not to tell him to shut the fuck up but it certainly wasn't easy. Brian was ready to barge into the cockpit and offer money if they would just get the goddamn plane off the fucking ground. 

"Stewardess, what seems to be the problem?" He asked calmly. He should have rented a private jet or better yet took Ted's advice from years ago and just bought one.

"I'm sorry, Sir. They're just waiting for the green light from air traffic control. We should be up in the air at any moment."

He nodded his thanks and pulled out his IPod. Maybe the person would get the hint that he wasn't into conversation and had more important things on this mind. Placing the ear buds deliberately in his ears--making a show of it for the guy's benefit--Brian turned it on and leaned his head back. The smooth 80's sound of Black's Wonderful Life began calming his nerves immediately as he remembered the time he'd done the Liberty Ride against Justin's wishes. He smiled briefly at the cussing out he received on the way back to the loft before Justin laid the pillows on the floor and helped him down to take a nap. It seemed they had no shortage of adventures between the two of them; the King of Babylon contest amongst them. It was the first of many times Justin had forced Brian to see him as a man and not just a human sex-toy...even though he definitely enjoyed having Justin and sex-toy in the same sentence. He nearly laughed aloud at the thought.

As young as he was, Justin was his equal in everything--ambition, sex drive--the only one who could keep up with Brian in any form or fashion. Daphne was absolutely correct when she said Sunshine had made him better...he did. Offering wise advice where Gus was concerned, helping him start Kinnetik Corp. and just by being there even when he went into debt stopping that crooked political animal named Stockwell. If it wasn't for Justin, he would have happily suffered in silence, refusing to ask anyone for help as usual. But Sunshine wouldn't hear of it. He gathered their friends and community to hold a benefit where there was a check recouping almost all the money Brian had put out of his own pocket. Justin always credited Brian for saving his life after the attack but Justin had saved Brian's life many times over; in more ways than Sunshine would ever know. Finally up in the air, Brian settled in for the hour and a half flight back home.  

Justin hustled through Pittsburgh International Airport. What the fuck was it doing so crowded at ten in the damn morning? Since it was a close-in booking, the ticket fee was astronomical and he was wait-listed in case there was a cancellation. Upon arriving at Kinnetik, Ted informed him that Brian was in New York. Shit. Fuck. Damn! Justin raced toward the other end of the airport trying to make the flight he'd booked late last night at the hotel. Because he was afraid he would miss any available flight into JFK International Airport, he checked out of his hotel, turned in his car and waited...and waited. Fed up with waiting he called the automated hotline, constantly checking every fifteen minutes for cancellations. On the last try, he nearly fainted with relief when the automated voice on the other end of his cell phone said he only an hour to get to the ticket agent, change his ticket and collect his boarding pass. The first two things were easily accomplished since he was already in the airport but the third proved more difficult than he heard giving birth was courtesy of Melanie regarding her daughter. 

He careened into person after person, even having to cuss back at some of them. He just needed to get to the last gate which seemed the length of five football fields away. He ducked, dodged and elbowed his way through constantly moving. The fact that Brian was on his home turf spurred him on that much more. He felt the urgency to end it more than he had when he had first made the decision. If they were ever going to have a life of their own, it had to go. There wasn't any other way. It had to be. His body and mind still rebelled at the idea but he reasoned over time he would get past it if he could just get to the fucking gate. Moving faster than he ever had in his life, he bumped into the last person he ever expected to.

"Hey watch it, assho--"

"Sorry, Brian," Justin whispered. 

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